Thursday 5 April 2012

Soundtrack for Holy Week - Maundy Thursday

Now the momentous events of Holy Week really start to unfold.

The tension of the week has been building as we approach the story of the Passion - and today it begins.

I have always associated Maundy Thursday with sadness.  The poignancy of the Last Supper - the anguished prayers in Gethsemane waiting for Judas and the guards to arrive - the betrayal, arrest and midnight trial.

I have been fed by songs like "Stay here, keep watch with me" from Taize as I have kept the watch of prayer after the Maundy Thursday service.

But there is another side to Maundy Thursday - the sense that finally, it has all begun.  All that Jesus was leading up to - all that he had been preparing for - everything his life had been waiting for, was now about to unfold.

Time and time again Jesus has told his disciples of coming arrest, death and rising in Jerusalem, and now it was underway.

So today's song is not one of sadness, but one of steely determination and quiet confidence.

It is 'Hello Hurricane' by Switchfoot - the waiting was over...

I've been watching the skies
They've been turning blood red
Not a doubt in my mind anymore
There's a storm up ahead

Hello hurricane
You're not enough
Hello hurricane
You can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love, my love

Every thing I have I count as loss
Everything I have is stripped away
Before I started building
I counted up these costs
There's nothing left for you to take away

Hello hurricane
You're not enough
Hello hurricane
You can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love

To view the other Soundtracks for Holy Week follow the links below:

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